Generalized Adaptive Refinement for Grid-based Hexahedral Meshing

L. Pitzalis, M. Livesu, G. Cherchi, E. Gobbetti, R. Scateni

This is a demo of the code we used for the experiments in the papers Generalized Adaptive Refinement for Grid-based Hexahedral Meshing (SIGGRAPH Asia 2021) and Optimal Dual Schemes for Adaptive Grid Based Hexmeshing (ACM TOG 2021).

Our code is open-source and available for research and academic purposes. If you want to download and compile it, you can visit our GithHub repository.

This demo uses an ILP model in the backend. We gratefully thank Gurobi for supporting this non-commercial demo with an academic free license. We kindly refer to their Academic-License Program for researchers and students.

How to use the demo:
  • Upload a tri-mesh (manifold and watertight) in .obj format
  • Read and accept the Terms and Conditions
  • Press the "Hexmesh it!" button and wait for the result
  • If you use this demo for your projects, please cite our papers (BibTeX).